07713931022 Opening Times: Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00


Covering Leicester and its surrounding regions, our services extend across an approximate 30-mile radius. This expansive reach enables us to provide comprehensive support to clients in diverse locations neighbouring Leicester.

A 50% upfront deposit is needed, with the remaining 50% due upon completion. Payment plans are an option, dependant upon credit checks. This ensures flexibility in meeting financial obligations while maintaining transparency in the payment process.

Please ensure all current flooring and furniture is removed before my arrival, unless we’ve agreed on handling the removal. Additionally, a friendly request to have the kettle on would be greatly appreciated.

We don’t have a physical store; instead, we operate online, providing free home quotations. This approach allows us to maintain remarkably competitive prices, keeping costs low and passing on the savings to our customers.

Expect the fitting to begin in 2-3 weeks, though the timeline may shift based on our workload. Once we confirm the date, it remains unchanged. We’ll communicate promptly to ensure clarity and accommodate your schedule.

Tri-tip andouille alcatra boudin swine flank, sirloin prosciutto corned beef beef ribs picanha. Bresaola turducken jowl ham pancetta. Tongue tenderloin leberkas, prosciutto drumstick doner cow fatback strip steak.
Tri-tip andouille alcatra boudin swine flank, sirloin prosciutto corned beef beef ribs picanha. Bresaola turducken jowl ham pancetta. Tongue tenderloin leberkas, prosciutto drumstick doner cow fatback strip steak.
Tri-tip andouille alcatra boudin swine flank, sirloin prosciutto corned beef beef ribs picanha. Bresaola turducken jowl ham pancetta. Tongue tenderloin leberkas, prosciutto drumstick doner cow fatback strip steak.
Tri-tip andouille alcatra boudin swine flank, sirloin prosciutto corned beef beef ribs picanha. Bresaola turducken jowl ham pancetta. Tongue tenderloin leberkas, prosciutto drumstick doner cow fatback strip steak.
Tri-tip andouille alcatra boudin swine flank, sirloin prosciutto corned beef beef ribs picanha. Bresaola turducken jowl ham pancetta. Tongue tenderloin leberkas, prosciutto drumstick doner cow fatback strip steak.
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